For Hands on Workers
All Clearings
We can pick up energy simply by being in the same space as others... now imagine how much more likely you are to pick up energy by touching someone... lets do a little energy clearing around releasing what is not even yours.
Up Next in All Clearings
Eyes and Digestive System
Did you know you can hold emotional baggage in parts of the body... unprocessed emotions create vibrational discord in the body... lets clear that out!
Wealth and Abundance
Work Hard, Work Hard, Work Hard... and then what... lets clear out the clutter that is blocking your wealth and abundance. It may be yours that you have gathered or it may be energy that has been passed along generations and is not even yours... Or maybe you absorbed that energy from someone else...
Virtual Reflexology Energy Clearing
Did you know that you have 60 reflex points in your feet associated with your whole body… In this session we give you a virtual reflexology session providing realignment of the body mind spirit and soul.