Deep Sleep Deep Clearing
Clearing through lifetimes, lifelines, patterning and dark energies.
Get ready to enter into a deep and peaceful sleep!
Make Peace With Your Past Decisions
As we learn and grow from our life experiences its common to look back with regret, wishing we would have done things differently. In this clearing we are very kind and gentle with the self releasing all the should've, could've, would'ves.
Grieving the Loss of a Loved One
As a loved one transitions from this physical form we ease the grief, sadness and sorrow... knowing they are still with us energetically.
Grieving Many Things
This is the overall grief clearing. we can find ourselves grieving stages, phases, people, you name it... lets clear the energy around this to allow the flow to return.
Clearing for the Nervous System
In a "busy" world/life the nervous system can be go go go... fight/flight/freeze...
in this clearing we relax and calm the nervous sytem... rebalancing and aligning... ahhhh that feels good! -
Safe Travels
Travel Safely by vehicle, plane, boat, train and any other mode of travel. Clearing Energy around travelling trauma of your own or others... allowing you to be both alert and at ease.
Lung Energy Clearing
Energetically Clearing the Lungs... Breathe deep and easily balancing the inhale and exhale, giving and receiving and so on....
Skin and Fascia Clearing
Clearing energy around the skin, fascia and all things associated including hormones, digestion and so much more. Allowing the beautiful microbiome of the skin to realign.
Immune and Auto Immune Clearing
Beautiful clearing for the body to clear any mis-understanding within. Clearing away lack of ease.
Post Operation
Realigning back into homeostasis, clearing side effects, others energy that may be lingering... realigning the energy of anything that has been removed as well. Leaning back into the beautiful wisdom of the body!
Finding Your Tribe
Lets clear out the clutter and find your people... like a beacon of light we extend out to connect :o)
Liver Energy Clearing
Your organs hold emotions.. lets lighted the load and do a deep energetic clearing for the Liver.
Balance Thinking and Feeling
Realigning the thinker and the feeler within... providing space for both to integrate therefore increasing your Awesomeness!
Win Win Win Deals
Regardless of what the deal is about it always feels amazing when everyone feels like a winner.
The seller is a winner
The buyer is a winner
Therefore Universally it is a Win -
Organ and Organ Systems Clearing
Lets connect and optimise each and every organ and organ system, balance and harmonise... call all things back into homeostasis.
Anxiety re Future and Guilt re Past
Freedom Energy Clearing
Free your body, mind, spirit and soul!
Take a deep breath and live free! -
Overall Energy Clearing
Not sure which clearing to choose?
This clearing makes it easy for you... This one covers all your bases! -
Pre Manifestation
This short little video explains how to do the pre work to the manifestation clearing. Woooohooooo How FUN!!!
Manifestation Clearing
This clearing helps you align with your dreams and desires
be sure to listen to the Pre Manifestation Clearing and then dive into this one.
Enjoy :) -
Make Peace with Time
Are you stressed about time?
Do you...
Always run late?
Need to be places excessively early?
Are you on time yet still feel stressed?
Its time to make Peace with time! -
Soul Contract Clean-up
Letting go of what no longer serves... stepping forward learning our lessons a,d expanding with more ease and grace>
Self Love and Self Care
Self care is about WHY you do it not What you do... what feelings are the ones you want to cultivate. Clean up the past and sending Love Kindness Caring and Compassion to the self.
Cat Clearing
We love out fur babies and want them healthy and well! Lets clean up the energy in, of and around.