Clear your House, School, Office and more…
The Good for Everything Clearings
9m 47s
Everything is made of Energy… your home, office, school and all the places and spaces have a frequency… let’s clean up that vibe!
Up Next in The Good for Everything Clearings
General Energy Clearing
A sweet easy general energy clearing... great for maintenance
Energy Clearing for "Sensitive" People
Having deep awareness of others energy... aka vibes... aka moods/feelings... is actually a gift however sometimes it feels like a curse. In this Energy Clearing we release all the emotions that you are carrying that are not yours... aka absorbed emotions. We will also clear out any energetic atta...
Boost Your Confidence
Do you ever feel like your meant for more... like you are afraid to move... like your stuck? If the answer is yes... then lets clear out all the emotional baggage that is standing in the way of your greatness... it's in there... deep within you just waiting... its time to Shine!