Realign Your Personal Power Center
Uplifting, Resilience, Greatness and so much more
A Great Energy Clearing for anything that is causing a lag, drag or leak for your energy field.
If you are feeling tired and exhausted... you may be leaking your energy out or it may be getting drained by another... either way lets clean that up.
Up Next in Uplifting, Resilience, Greatness and so much more
Throat Clearing
Clearing out words spoken, words unspoken, stagnant energy, conversational threads.
Energetically realigning the physical aspects of the throat as well.
Encouraging you to speak your truth with strength, power, courage, kindness, compassion and wisdom -
Wealth and Abundance
Work Hard, Work Hard, Work Hard... and then what... lets clear out the clutter that is blocking your wealth and abundance. It may be yours that you have gathered or it may be energy that has been passed along generations and is not even yours... Or maybe you absorbed that energy from someone else...
Enliven and Enlighten
Enliven and Enlighten your Body Mind Spirit and Soul