Clear your House, School, Office and more…
All Clearings
9m 47s
Everything is made of Energy… your home, office, school and all the places and spaces have a frequency… let’s clean up that vibe!
Up Next in All Clearings
Energetically Clearing Out You Ex
This is a great deep Clearing to Realigning all energy and soul particles back into their rightful space… We can be clearing out excess energy from many many many moons ago. Let’s free things up!
Clearing For Those Who Work With Chil...
This energy clearing is perfect for anyone who works with children or spends time around them… As we gather up energy from not only the children but from their family and circumstances it can feel like a lot at times. We move this beautiful energy clearing throughout you and extend it out towards...
Aligning Relationships and Interactions
This energy clearing goes deep into clearing your interactions with other people and releases the magnetic pole you have to what is challenging, hard or distasteful for you. As we clear out the space it allows you to navigate circumstances and situations with more ease and grace.