Clearing Energy around Side Effects
All Clearings
Everything has Energy within it... lets connect with any medications, supplements, drugs etc. in the highest vibrational frequency possible... allowing the body to absorb all that which is helpful and a gentle release of all that is not,
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Welcome to The Video Library and How ...
How to use the Library and some Frequently asked questions.
A Quick Scan Before and After
I find it helpful to measure how I feel before and after the Energy Clearing both physically and emotionally.
Also Drink Plenty of Water and as Always be Kind to Yourself -
Over Reaction
There is actually no such thing as Over Reaction... yup that's right!
You are only ever reacting to the level of disruption that you feel.
It's like your cup is almost full and then that one more thing drops in and pushes it over the top.... KA-POW!
Lets lower that level to allow you to navigate...