Digesting Life
Lets digest life with grace and ease absorbing all that is nurturing and nourishing and gently releasing all that is not.
Realigning your energetic Microbiome.
Energetic Balance
Realign your Heart, mind, body Spirit and Soul back into Harmony and Homeostasis. As we Release resistance the body returns to Balance.
Paving The Path to Amazing Outcomes
When so many options are available to get from here to there... lets take the path of grace, ease and expansion. Let the struggle go and move joyfully and intentionally!
Paving The Path Exercise
Simple quick easy way to clear your energy and choose the path.
All you need is a pen and paper and a couple minutes. -
Teams Clearing (family, sports, work)
Aligning with your team and embracing the awesomeness each unique individual brings.
Clearing over/under energy as well as bossy, bully, boundaries, patterns, attachments.... and so much more :) -
Light and Love to those we care deeply about
White light to all people, situations and circumstances near and dear to us and beyond.
Sending all the good and trusting the universe to handle the rest.
Allowing each and every person to have their own thoughts feelings and emotions separate from us. -
Mind Washing
Time to let go of lower vibration thought patterns and compulsive thinking. Clearing dark thoughts and negativity.
Wipe your mind clean back to its original clear pure relaxed state. -
Re-Calibrating Relationships
If you can imagine we have been in many different lifetimes with our soul family. We have all played different roles and that energy is part of us. It is often helpful to define our relationships in this lifetime. Sit back, relax and Re-Calibrate
Meeting in the Middle
A beautiful space where we can meet others without pushing, pulling, yanking, or dragging.And you can remain in your current state as well.
I see you I hear you, I know you, I accept you.
Lets meet there! -
The Everything Clearing
Like the everything bagel this clearing has it all.
Connecting and aligning with your personal power centre, reclaiming your sovereignty and alchemizing your energy. -
Nuture and Nourish
In this energy clearing, we are cleaning up the pathways, letting go of any parasitic draws and drains and opening up to all that is nurturing and nourishing.