

Time to settle in and unwind and unravel the day... ease into a deep and peaceful sleep awakening feeling refreshes and rejuvenated.

Also feel free to look through the rest of the library using your Amazing Intuition and Intention to Choose what feels right for you.

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  • Clearing Attachements

    Energetic attachments can leave us feeling yanked around. They are not helpful for either party.
    Letting go of attachments and realigning within our own energy field.
    Allowing us to be strong and stable.

  • Have A Deep and Peaceful Sleep

    This energy clearing is all about getting a good nights sleep.. deep and restful.
    The day just seems easier to flow through after a deep and peaceful sleep!
    Sweet Dreams!

  • Virtual Reflexology Energy Clearing

    Did you know that you have 60 reflex points in your feet associated with your whole body… In this session we give you a virtual reflexology session providing realignment of the body mind spirit and soul.

  • Realign Your Personal Power Center

    A Great Energy Clearing for anything that is causing a lag, drag or leak for your energy field.
    If you are feeling tired and exhausted... you may be leaking your energy out or it may be getting drained by another... either way lets clean that up.

  • Energy Clearing for "Sensitive" People

    Having deep awareness of others energy... aka vibes... aka moods/feelings... is actually a gift however sometimes it feels like a curse. In this Energy Clearing we release all the emotions that you are carrying that are not yours... aka absorbed emotions. We will also clear out any energetic atta...

  • Overall Balance (clearing dizziness) and Elemental Balance

    A deep dive into Balancing the Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul... clearing vertigo, dizziness and instability.
    Also Balancing the Elements... Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
    Leaving you grounded, balanced, steady and stable.

  • Clearing Lifetimes, Lifelines and Dimensions

    All that energy desires is to be balanced... from any time place and space where it has imbalance... it will show up allowing balance to reoccur!
    if your not sure if we have other lifetimes and lifelines... yet are curious...
    Remember every session is surrounded in White Light and Aligned with t...

  • Clearing Energy around Side Effects

    Everything has Energy within it... lets connect with any medications, supplements, drugs etc. in the highest vibrational frequency possible... allowing the body to absorb all that which is helpful and a gentle release of all that is not,

  • Clearing Out the Energy of our Devices, Social Media, Gaming etc

    Lets clear out the complusiveness of technology. Be it social media, gaming, tv etc.
    Moving back into a space where we are in charge and can enjoy these platforms in a balanced, aligned way.

  • Energy Clearing for a busy Mind and also for Headaches and Migraines

    This Energy Clearing focus's on clearing out a busy full mind and head, brain fog and is also helpful for headaches and migraines.

  • Jaw Tension

    Often we carry tension in our jaw... clench our teeth... even in our sleep... lets unravel and unwind that energy!

  • Clear your House, School, Office and more…

    Everything is made of Energy… your home, office, school and all the places and spaces have a frequency… let’s clean up that vibe!