All Clearings

All Clearings

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All Clearings


  • Divine Feminine Energy Clearing

    Great for all the divine feminine cycles... for the early, mid and later years to ease the flow and step deeper into the Wise Woman that you are.

  • Realign Your Personal Power Center

    A Great Energy Clearing for anything that is causing a lag, drag or leak for your energy field.
    If you are feeling tired and exhausted... you may be leaking your energy out or it may be getting drained by another... either way lets clean that up.

  • Children's Energy Clearing

    Clearing out the day, the week, the month, the year and so on... including absorbed energy!

  • For Hands on Workers

    We can pick up energy simply by being in the same space as others... now imagine how much more likely you are to pick up energy by touching someone... lets do a little energy clearing around releasing what is not even yours.

  • Eyes and Digestive System

    Did you know you can hold emotional baggage in parts of the body... unprocessed emotions create vibrational discord in the body... lets clear that out!

  • Wealth and Abundance

    Work Hard, Work Hard, Work Hard... and then what... lets clear out the clutter that is blocking your wealth and abundance. It may be yours that you have gathered or it may be energy that has been passed along generations and is not even yours... Or maybe you absorbed that energy from someone else...

  • Virtual Reflexology Energy Clearing

    Did you know that you have 60 reflex points in your feet associated with your whole body… In this session we give you a virtual reflexology session providing realignment of the body mind spirit and soul.

  • Step Confidently Into Your Greatness

    Do you sometimes find it hard to believe in yourself… Do you fear failure… Do you have insecurities, nervousness and worries… It is my intention with his energy clearing to release all that stands in the way of you and your greatness.

  • Separation Anxiety Release

    Do you find it hard to leave your little one or do they find it hard to be separated from you… Play this energy clearing and watch the shift…

  • Trauma/PTSD Clearing

    This Energy Clearing is about releasing trauma and ptsd... the impact of situations is not always scale-able from the outside... in this session it is our intention to release the repetitive thoughts feelings and emotions that are on a loop... playing over and over... we also open space for new w...

  • Discipline and Happiness

    A Self Disciplined person is not controlled by there mind.. quite the opposite. so lets clear the clutter, stories and "stuff" that is holing you back from Discipline and Happiness.
    Discipline comes from the word disciple which translates... to give yourself to something you love... today in this...

  • Have A Deep and Peaceful Sleep

    This energy clearing is all about getting a good nights sleep.. deep and restful.
    The day just seems easier to flow through after a deep and peaceful sleep!
    Sweet Dreams!

  • Align With Your Career/Job

    Do you have a job you don’t like? Do you have a job that you like but feel it could be better? Do you feel like you have no idea what you would like to do for your career… In this energy clearing we clear out the clutter and open space for you to align with your perfect career, life path, purpose...

  • Enliven and Enlighten

    Enliven and Enlighten your Body Mind Spirit and Soul

  • Energy Clearing for a busy Mind and also for Headaches and Migraines

    This Energy Clearing focus's on clearing out a busy full mind and head, brain fog and is also helpful for headaches and migraines.

  • Help Another See Their Greatness

    Sometimes life feels so dark and hard its hard to help yourself.
    This Energy Clearing is a Beautiful Gift for another to help them see their Greatness!
    We all have Greatness within us and as we share this clearing we find deeper Greatness within ourselves
    note... its ok if your loved ones won't/...

  • Clear Out Compulsive/Addictive Energy

    Lets clear out some layers of emotions that hold space for Addictive or Compulsive behaviour.

  • Clearing Out the Energy of our Devices, Social Media, Gaming etc

    Lets clear out the complusiveness of technology. Be it social media, gaming, tv etc.
    Moving back into a space where we are in charge and can enjoy these platforms in a balanced, aligned way.

  • Clearing Attachements

    Energetic attachments can leave us feeling yanked around. They are not helpful for either party.
    Letting go of attachments and realigning within our own energy field.
    Allowing us to be strong and stable.

  • Clearing Energy around Side Effects

    Everything has Energy within it... lets connect with any medications, supplements, drugs etc. in the highest vibrational frequency possible... allowing the body to absorb all that which is helpful and a gentle release of all that is not,

  • Welcome to The Video Library and How to Use

    How to use the Library and some Frequently asked questions.

  • A Quick Scan Before and After

    I find it helpful to measure how I feel before and after the Energy Clearing both physically and emotionally.
    Also Drink Plenty of Water and as Always be Kind to Yourself

  • Over Reaction

    There is actually no such thing as Over Reaction... yup that's right!
    You are only ever reacting to the level of disruption that you feel.
    It's like your cup is almost full and then that one more thing drops in and pushes it over the top.... KA-POW!
    Lets lower that level to allow you to navigate...

  • Is Someone Sending You Bad Energy

    Someone can send you bad vibes... negative energy... bad juju... but guess what??? It doesn't have to stick... we can clean that up and strengthen those boundaries.